The Enrichment group is the first step in the HEROS Education Programme and one we are keen to expand. It requires high staff to student ratios to work successfully with groups of children, who all have different reasons for being on the programme. It is normally necessary to provide a rich mix of stimulating and varied experiences to support engagement and learning is based around horses, other animals and countryside pursuits.
It is designed for 11 – 16yo students who are not coping in mainstream school and who need to learn in a different environment than that of a normal classroom.
The younger group can participate in a range of novel approaches to learning, we use several different animals ie goats, chickens, ducks and geese, alongside their contact with horses in preparation for their exposure to the thoroughbreds. This is particularly important for those who have had no experience of country pursuits or animals at all. For some children, HEROS Education is their first exposure to the world of horses.
Each learner is set individual goals; they attend between 1 and 4 days per week, and there is a presentation at the end of each academic year and a prize-giving day, sponsored by The Adlestrop Club (associated with Phillips Racing a racing yard based in Gloucester).
Enrichment can also be provided for the older children who may require functional skills (Maths, English) or who are being helped to participate in practical sessions involving animals to assist the development of Maths (weights and feed measures), English (communication) and social skills (communication and conflict resolution).
When students become 16yo, if they want to they can move on to a range of courses which include : Diploma courses, Traineeships and Apprentices for people who want a career with horses.
Our programmes provide for school-leavers, job centre placements and for young people not in education, employment or training (NEET).